Natalie Bakody has been an educator for just over 30 years. She began her career teaching grade Primary with the Halifax Regional School Board and went on to teach grades Primary-9, trained as a Reading Recovery Teacher, and was a Literacy Coach in a Primary-9 school. Natalie began her work as the curriculum consultant for Health Education and Physical Education for the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development in 2006 bringing with her a passion for curriculum development and implementation, and where she has had the privilege of working with and learning alongside equally passionate and knowledgeable health educators within government, the public and post-secondary school system, and community health. Natalie graduated from Dalhousie University with a Bachelor of Science in Health Education and holds her Master of Education in Curriculum Studies with a focus on educational leadership and social justice from Mount Saint Vincent University. Natalie is an advocate for sexual health education in schools and sees the interrelationship between sexual health and all other facets of health and well-being. Over the last two decades, Natalie has had lots of conversations about sexual health education with families, school leaders, teachers, and with young people and is happy to share what she has learned so that others can also become advocates for and express more confidently why sexual health education in schools is so much more than meets the eye.
Morning Concurrent Session: 10:45 a.m. to noon - Harbour Suite B
Afternoon Concurrent Session: 2:25 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. - Maritime Room
Join colleagues in a supportive space to explore how to advocate for Comprehensive Sexual Health Education (CSHE) within your supervisory role, and why this component of Nova Scotia’s Health Education curriculum is crucial for the healthy development of children and youth. This session will provide participants with a deeper understanding of what effective sexual health education looks like at any grade level, how to support its implementation, and how to communicate with families about its role in schools. We will also discuss how inclusive and effective CSHE contributes to a positive school climate. By the end of this session, school leaders will walk away feeling more confident to address concerns about sexual health education and have some good language to add to their relational toolkit with families and staff. All questions welcome.
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